The project started a few years ago as a collaboration between the Traverse City Downtown Development Authority, the Master Gardener Association of Northwest Michigan and Michigan State University Extension.
This spring, the Grand Traverse Area Children’s Garden teamed up with the GT Butterfly House & Bug Zoo to encourage people to help out pollinators.
It’s an approach promoted by other states and the federal government as a way to create important habitat for pollinators. But it’s not as simple as scattering a few seeds around solar panels.
This week on Points North, a U.S. soldier was injured in a training exercise and discharged from the army. Then he found an unusual way to cope with his…
When military veterans leave the service, many of them struggle with their return to civilian life.Adam Ingrao was no different.Adam was in his early 20’s…
Most veterinarians probably don't picture themselves working with bees. But thanks to new federal regulations , more and more might soon find themselves...
Honey bees pollinate about a third of the crops in the U.S—that’s about $15 billion of the agricultural economy. But honeybees have had a tough time...