Outdoors with Coggin Heeringa
Every Wednesday on Classical IPR, Coggin Heeringa takes us into the great outdoors. She is the program director and naturalist at Crossroads at Big Creek Learning Center/Nature Preserve in Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin. And she's taught environmental studies at the Interlochen Arts Camp since 1971.
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Does stamping feet actually help humans (or birds) warm up their feet?
Georgia O'Keeffe's "Sky Above the Clouds" reminds us that even with grey skies, there's beauty above.
Mullein plays a role in both ancient medicinal traditions and Christmas imagery, from torches to winter hibernation.
Tucking in a brood of little ducklings is a challenge for any mother, but for Mother Ginger, balancing on stilts while managing a troop of dancers makes the task even harder.
After enduring multiple surgeries and a long recovery, Coggin Heeringa compares her personal miracle to the moment a mallard duck, once grounded, regains flight. Just like "Amahl and the Night Visitors," sometimes the greatest miracles are born from acts of kindness.
There are surprising similarities between birds and Thanksgiving that highlight the importance of community and shared abundance.
During autumn, some trees still cling to their leaves. This phenomenon is called "marcesence" and is vividly depicted in van Gogh's "Autumn Landscape with Four Trees."
In "Into the Woods," Stephen Sondheim weaves together enchanting fairy tales, profound life lessons and songs about the importance of community.
Just as an evergreen tree discards what no longer nurtures it, we too must recognize the value in letting go, while still honoring what has been lost.
Camille Saint-Saëns "Danse macabre" includes frantic violin calls and bone-chilling percussion. The deadly dance reminds listeners that as day breaks, the living carry on, but the shadow of death looms ever closer.