Voters will decide whether or not to renew millages for regional services that rely heavily on the money.
The General Conference meets about every four years. This year’s gathering in Charlotte, North Carolina, saw the measure approved in a 692-51 vote.
Officials with both the Cherry Festival and the airport say the annual air show must go on and would like to avoid settling disputes in court - but they have yet to agree on how.
“While our doors may be closing, the impact of our work together will resonate in our community for years to come,” executive director Val McCarthy said.
Prosecutor Noelle Moeggenberg said the decision was steered by leadership changes on the organization’s board of directors.
This week: One year since the Gaylord tornado, school safety in Traverse City, and a pedaling the rails in Grawn.
The pink-footed goose's nesting grounds are deep within the Arctic Circle. They’re most often found in Greenland and in Svalbard, a group of islands north of Norway.
Coffia won by 765 votes over incumbent Jack O’Malley. She told IPR News she’s eager to get to work on a number of issues.
The committee called out a lack of policy, data collection and funding incentives that could keep kids from entering the court system.
The cold was biting on the last Saturday in January, but it wasn't enough to keep sledders from zipping down Carly’s Hill in Fife Lake. Only sleds made out of cardboard were allowed.