The new northern Michigan community wellness project, ‘Stories That Heal,’ is supporting healing by creating collaborative music.
Last year nearly 3,000 people died from drug overdoses in Michigan. That was an 80 percent increase in the past five years. There is a form of treatment…
Medication-assisted treatment is increasingly cited as a way to curb the opioid epidemic. However, only 23 percent of publicly funded treatment programs…
A northern Michigan man has been sentenced after posting a mass shooting threat on Facebook. Thirty-three-year-old Kevin Wayne Hansen was charged with an…
Is there hope for a new life after being addicted to drugs or selling drugs? Detroiter Sheldon Hill is proof there is. After years of selling and using...
People with drug problems can now ask the Cadillac state police for help without fear of being arrested. The Michigan State Police Cadillac post began…
Some cities have been looking at a program that takes a different approach to people with addictions who sometimes have run-ins with the law. In...
TC Retreat, a sober living house in Traverse City, does not violate zoning laws. On Tuesday night, the city's Board of Zoning Appeals voted seven to one…
A new recovery house for men opened last month in Traverse City. The sober living house has room for six men in recovery. Tom Gilbert is the president of…
The latest designer drugs are just a few mouse clicks away, easily ordered from Chinese websites. Powerful synthetic drugs like bath salts and Flakka...