This week we bring you two birds with very different reputations. One is a charastmatic invasive moving into urban areas, protected by public affection.…
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has crafted a new plan to address double-crested cormorant conflicts in the US. It proposes killing as many as 77,000…
Ontario wants to allow hunters to shoot double-crested cormorants. The idea is welcomed by sport anglers who think the fish-eating birds are destructive…
There are renewed calls to kill cormorants in the Great Lakes. There are far fewer of these migratory birds left in the region after years of lethal…
Some members of the U.S. House of Representatives are meeting in northern Michigan on Monday to discuss lethal control of a fish-eating bird. The federal…
Cormorants will be safe from sharp shooters in the Great Lakes this spring. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is not ready to restart a program that…
Colonies of Caspian terns are becoming harder to find in Lakes Michigan and Huron.James Ludwig is an ornithologist who has studied migratory birds in the…
A federal judge in Washington, D.C. has halted programs to reduce the number of cormorants in the Great Lakes region. The federal government and tribes...
http://ipraudio.interlochen.org/Cormorant.mp3Michigan wildlife officials are pushing for more control of a fish eating water bird. They want to double the…