We look for a bunch of cars out front but discover that the regulars are parked in back. The bartender looks about fifteen but knows her way around the drinks and the drinkers.
This week on Points North, hear how Michigan hops farmers are struggling to keep up with the craft beer boom. Plus, a look ahead on the future of the…
Tubing down a river on a hot summer day is one of Michigan’s most popular pastimes. But after years of alcohol-fueled floats, the National Forest Service…
As Michigan's brewing industry continues to grow and flourish, we're seeing a big jump in growing hops in our state. Consider this: Prior to 2008,...
(Support trusted journalism like this in Michigan. Give what you can here .) Do women drink beer? It's a dumb question to be sure, but watching any...
Shorts Brewing Company announced Thursday it will ship beer out-of-state for the first time. Next month, the brewery will expand operations into Illinois…
Beer is big in Michigan. The state is fifth in the nation for its number of breweries, microbreweries and brewpubs. This growth is creating a demand...
The craft beer industry in the U.S. is on the rise. According to the Brewers Association, craft beer sales in the states grew 17.6% in 2014, and the...
There are now more than 200 licensed breweries in Michigan. And that is starting to change the rural landscape up north. This month, an investment group...
Cans are making a comeback in the beer world. They're cheaper and lighter, and have an old-school cachet. But those ubiquitous bottles aren't going away anytime soon, say brewers.