Under certain conditions, road salt can be more hindrance than help for drivers.
The crossing, which spans the Black River, is located near scenic farmland in Benton Township. The Cheboygan County Road Commission estimates nearly 1,000 vehicles use the bridge per day.
Governor Rick Snyder still can’t build a bridge between a union and a construction trade association to end a roadwork stoppage across the state.
President Donald Trump’s plan to fix the nation’s crumbling infrastructure hasn’t gone anywhere yet. Earlier this year, Trump proposed investing $1.5…
Michigan’s roads are falling apart.The American Society of Civil Engineers gave the state a D- letter grade for the condition of its roads in a report…
Kirk Steudle , director of the Michigan Department of Transportation recently joined Stateside to answer your questions about our roads . It turns out,...
Lawmakers in Lansing want to put 175 million dollars toward the state’s roads. The state House passed the spending bill Wednesday.Governor Rick Snyder…
As much of the nation focused on testimony last Thursday from former FBI Director James Comey, there were some who headed to the White House to talk...
As the summer road construction season moves into its final weeks, you might find yourself wondering: instead of pouring time and money into patching...
There’s a new plan to fix Division Street in Traverse City. The street has long been considered one of the most dangerous routes in northern Michigan,…