Another school year began this week in northern Michigan, and so has a new era in leadership for Traverse City Area Public Schools. A few months ago,…
Northern Michigan’s largest school district is one step closer to hiring a new superintendent. On Monday, the board for Traverse City Area Public Schools…
Traverse City Area Public Schools could catch a $700,000 break related to a review of its homeschool program.The Michigan Department of Education is…
The head of Traverse City schools has announced he will leave the district. TCAPS Superintendent Paul Soma says he’ll retire from the position summer…
The superintendent of Traverse City schools was praised for his leadership last night. The Traverse City Area Public Schools board rated Paul Soma “highly…
The leader of Traverse City’s school district has said he was "blindsided" when he found out last week the state might take back money from a homeschool…
At a forum Thursday night, candidates for the Traverse City school board were asked if the election was a referendum on district Superintendent Paul Soma.…
Traverse City school officials have released to the public an investigation into the district’s superintendent.In February, a group of principals in…