Today on Stateside , Governor Gretchen Whitmer says schools should prepare for in-person instruction this fall. We’ll talk about what those plans could...
In 2016, then Gov. Rick Snyder signed the controversial “Read by Grade Three” bill into law. It's meant to improve the reading and writing abilities of…
Traverse City Area Public Schools will pay back $707,000 to the state over allegedly miscalculated student enrollment, but they could have to give back…
Traverse City Area Public Schools will have to pay back over $700,000 to the state over allegedly misreported student enrollment.The Michigan Department…
The hearing will determine if Traverse City Area Public Schools has to pay back over $700,000 to the state. The Michigan Department of Education planned…
The Michigan Department of Education says Traverse City Area Public Schools owes more than $700,000 for overpayment last year. The demand for the…
Michigan is the only state failing to meet enough special education requirements to need intervention, according to a recent evaluation by federal...
The state says it can improve low student test scores and get more kids into skilled trades.The so-called “nation’s report card” came out Tuesday. It…
The 2017 scores for the M-STEP — the standardized test that most students in Michigan take — have been released. It’s a mixed bag of results, with some...