This week there are six stars, two planets, and the Moon making a sign in the heavens.
This Thanksgiving week there’s a magical event happening in the morning sky, one that begs the question: when am I central to what occurs in the world around me?
The presence of darkness reveals that the hero is on the way to a greater truth. A transformation always occurs, but only after the hero undergoes an opportunity disguised as a crisis.
A mighty week is upon us, inaugurated on Sunday by the opposition between Mars and Pluto that will occur two more times in the coming months due to Mars’ impending retrograde motion.
In every two-year orbital period, Mars makes one retrograde loop that takes about 80 days, which means it travels three times through one region of sky ~ in this case, it’s in the region of Gemini twins.
On Wednesday, September 18th at 10:36 A.M. the Moon will rival the Sun for a few dramatic moments at the horizon.
This week a date of historic and literary note rolls around: “Lammas Eve,” which is the night before we’re halfway through the summer.
As one of only two planets that orbits between the Earth and the Sun, Venus holds a unique position in relation to the Earth. Sometimes called Earth’s “sister planet.”
The Sun is at its furthest and The Moon enters a new phase: this week on the Storyteller's Night Skyand this is the wonder that's keeping the stars aparti carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)
This week is all about hidden mysteries, in the celestial world and in the festival calendar.