Unless there’s a trail, I can barely manage a slow walk. There’s so much to think about! But, deer are dashing through the woods. So, why don't they trip??
In 1998, a hunter named Mitch Rompola claimed he’d shot the biggest whitetail in North America. It was all over the news, and people waited in anticipation for it to be entered in the record books. But then Mitch just went silent. And instead of becoming a famous hunter, he became an infamous one.
This week: Crafting new rules for deer management gets more complicated than usual. Also, what your HOA *can't* tell you to do.
This week: I was out collecting bird calls when suddenly, I heard a deer forcefully expelling air through its nostrils. Deer snort like that when they detect possible danger. But how intentional is that sound?
While the Lower Peninsula is struggling with too many deer, the U.P. has the opposite problem. Regulations to address that could be coming soon.
When hunter Ben Karasch sees something move out of the corner of his eye, he assumes it’s a deer. But as Karasch gets a better look, he realizes it’s not a deer, it’s a cougar. And it’s slowly creeping towards him.
Deer culling is common across the Midwest. Cities often hire sharpshooters or allow hunters to kill a certain number of deer. But one community in Ohio is trying out another solution: deer sterilization.
Applications are open for the new Deer Management Initiative. The program will gather voices from across the state to try and solve ongoing issues with deer.
The city will work with state and federal agencies to kill 20 to 40 deer after years of complaints from residents.