The Petoskey City Council unanimously approved a city-wide energy plan on Monday. It sets a goal of 100% renewable energy city-wide by 2035.The plan is to…
Wind energy became popular because it can reduce the need for polluting coal and gas generated electricity. But, things are shifting now. “The primary...
The Next Idea So many innovative ideas begin with inventors observing simple events. Take Newton’s falling apple, for example, or Archimedes’...
The Next Idea Earth’s water is a natural medium for collecting energy, taking in about 97% of what we receive from the sun. After reflection and...
Last week, amid the frenzy that followed the presidential election, the Michigan Senate passed a pair of bills that would mean a dramatic overhaul of...
For Michigan family living off the grid, it's "not about the sacrifice, it's about paying attention"Living off the grid can be a lot of work, but Joe and Shelly Trumpey and their two daughters have managed it for years. Their home is near Grass Lake...