This week on Points North, the U.S. Forest Service tried to ban alcohol on three popular northern Michigan rivers, but they backed off after public outcry. Now they say they will ramp up enforcement and education to curb drunken behavior.
Plus, how the Nordhouse Dunes in the Huron-Manistee National Forests is dealing with summer tourism.
Despite enforcement and outrach, river boozing still a concern for some
After years of alcohol-fuelled floats, the U.S. Forest Service tried to ban booze on three popular northern Michigan rivers last February. But they backed off after a petition against the ban got over 40,000 signatures.
In its place, conservation officers have pledged to educate river users and ramp up law enforcement. But that effort is getting mixed results.
Hear how relaxing on Michigan's rivers is changing
Littering poses threat to Nordhouse Dunes ecosystem
The Nordhouse Dunes is part of the Huron-Manistee National Forests and has nearly 3,500 acres of dunes, woods and shoreline. It is one of the most popular sites in northern Michigan, but that popularity is causing some problems.
Hear how visitors may be harming the Dunes' ecosystem.
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