Brass ensemble The Game Brass brings classical chops and an irresistible sense of fun to their many arrangements of video game music.
This week, we’ll hear their inventive interpretations of themes from Mega Man to Mass Effect.
Listen to learn more!
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Generous support for the music heard on this program comes from the Robert T. and Ruth Haidt Hughes Memorial Acquisitions Fund.
Thanks to Michael Culler for engineering assistance and to Christine Kyprianides and Delia Zaleski for production assistance.
Amanda Sewell is IPR's Music Director, and Keith Brown is GAMEPLAY’s host and executive producer.
Koji Kondo, arr. Robby Duguay, Thomas Kresge, Daniel Romberger - Title Theme (The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past) - The Game Brass
Koji Kondo, arr. Robby Duguay, Thomas Kresge, Daniel Romberger - Beginning of the Journey (The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past) - The Game Brass
Koji Kondo, arr. Robby Duguay, Thomas Kresge, Daniel Romberger - Kakariko Village (The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past) - The Game Brass
Takashi Tateishi, arr. Alex Hill - Wily Castle Stage 2 (Mega Man 2) - The Game Brass
Nobuo Uematsu, arr. Robby Duguay - Figaro Castle (Final Fantasy VI) - The Game Brass
Michiru Yamane, arr. Daniel Romberger - Dracula’s Castle (Castlevania: Symphony of the Night) - The Game Brass
Peter McConnell, arr. Thomas Kresge - Grim Fandango Suite (Grim Fandango) - Mariachi Entertainment System (David Ortiz, trumpet; Sean Rodriguez, guittarón; Gilberto Martinez, guitar, vihuela), The Game Brass
Grant Kirkhope, arr. Thomas Kresge - Treasure Trove Cove (Banjo-Kazooie) - The Game Brass; Grant Kirkhope, guitar
Kenta Nagata, arr. Daniel Romberger - The Great Sea (The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker) - The Game Brass
Jessica Curry, arr. John Robert Matz - Clouds and Starlight (Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture) - The Game Brass
Robin Beanland, arr. Thomas Kresge, Danny Flam - Title Theme (Jet Force Gemini) - The Game Brass, Rahul Vanamali, percussion
Jack Wall, Sam Hulick, Richard Jacques, Brian DiDomenico, and Clint Mansell, arr. John Robert Matz - Mass Effect Suite (Mass Effect 1-3) - The Game Brass, Videri String Quartet, PurpleSchala, piano
Michael Land, Clint Bajakian, arr. Daniel Romberger - LeChuck’s Return: LeShip Murray (Return to Monkey Island) - The Game Brass; Daniel Romberger, trombone, theremin