Create the kinds of sound rich stories you love to hear on public radio and your favorite podcasts. Join IPR's Story School this spring and learn the fundamentals of recording and editing sound. Make your voice heard and your stories more compelling. Become a professional in just eight weeks, literally!
IPR Story School Overview:
In this 8-week weekly workshop, participants will master the essential skills of audio story making and create one 4-5 minute feature story that will air on IPR. Step-by-step we will cover the technical and creative underpinnings of this work: finding and focusing a story, ways to interview people, recording techniques for interviews and action tape, script writing, narration techniques, and multi-track digital audio editing to produce a final piece. No previous radio/audio experience is needed, however participants must be able to attend the weekly workshop session and dedicate an average of 5 hours per week to work outside of workshop time. Participants will be paid at Association of Independents in Radio rates for their final story.
This course is only available for adults ages 18 and up.
The workshop is full and is no longer accepting applications.
IPR Story School Dates:
March 16, 2022 - May 4, 2022, meets weekly on Wednesday evenings 6-8pm
Sessions will be a combination of in-person at the Interlochen Public Radio station building and online through Zoom
IPR Story School Fee:
$250, scholarships available
IPR Application Downloads:
Please send finished applications to Tyler Becker the operations coordinator.