The days are ordered according to the planets in an alternating rhythm of one that is between Earth and Sun to one that is beyond Earth and Sun.
It wasn’t the soul’s claim of purity that won him over, it was the weight of the soul’s heart that mattered.
With the equinox just passed, we enter the season of shorter days and longer nights. But that’s not all.
On Wednesday, September 18th at 10:36 A.M. the Moon will rival the Sun for a few dramatic moments at the horizon.
A fascinating signature of the Mysteries is appearing in the sky right now, involving the planets Saturn and Mercury and the constellations Aquarius and Leo.
The Lavender Moon begins Monday September 2, 2024, when it reaches New Phase at 9:57 P.M. EDT. First visibility of this Moon will be among the stars of Virgo, and for the naked-eye observer will most likely occur Wednesday, September 4, 2024.
Each month the moon greets every planet out there among the stars, but it won’t always shed the same amount of light on these meetings from one month to the next, so it’s easy to imagine that the Moon is modulating our experience as it goes.
The astrological omens for the coming week suggest that now is the time for sloughing off the dead weight and for moving out of stagnant situations.
As far as discernible historical record goes, the first people to divide the heavens into what later became known as the zodiac were the ancient Persians, over eight thousand years ago.
In August the Milky Way is like the brilliantly beaded belt of a sparkling garment woven out of stars and flung across the night.