Andy McQuillen was an essential worker as a vendor at the Home Depot in Ypsilanti. The store was busy. When Covid cases peaked last spring, everyone…
John Klapko was able to have his dress rehearsals at the Old Town Playhouse. The stage still had ladders and lamps in the back to illuminate construction…
To those who spent a lot of time there, Comic Book E.R. was much more than a comic shop. It was where Cadillac’s outsiders and nerds came together. Owner…
Our Lives Have Changed: A daughter with special needs got sick. Then the home became a Covid clusterIn October Danielle Dornoff came home with mild Covid symptoms. She also has a heart condition so her mother Rebecca took her to the hospital.She's one of…
Last spring, Julia Chambers, of Walhalla, was desperate to find out if her sister Joanie was okay. Joanie lived in a nursing home outside of Detroit, and…
This is the second story in our series, “Our Lives Have Changed” about how the COVID-19 pandemic has re-shaped life in northern Michigan.Even before…
Millions of people are relying on food pantries during the pandemic. In rural spots Up North, that means long lines at cash-strapped facilities.And that…