The Perseid Meteor Shower reaches its peak just after New Moon this weekend, which means that if the weather cooperates, the conditions are ideal for a…
We’re halfway through the Summer, and now the meteor showers begin! In August the daylight noticeably wanes, but as compensation, the starlight gains, and…
The end of July marks the halfway point in the season, known traditionally as “cross quarter day.” But before we get to that point this year, we pass…
The story I really want to tell this week is about the early 20th century American socialite and art collector Isabella Stewart Gardner, so I’m going to…
There’s so much happening in the sky this week, starting with the planet Jupiter, which changes direction after nearly four months of retrograde motion;…
This week the Earth arrives at that place in its orbital path that is furthest away from the Sun. This is called its “aphelion” and it will happen on…
The end of this week brings the end of this month, but not before the ringed planet Saturn opposes the Sun and the Moon comes to Full Phase. Saturn and…
There’s something unique happening this week just after the Sun stands still at its Solstice moment early Thursday morning: Venus and Mars will fall into…
The last New Moon of the Spring happens this week on Wednesday, and for the occasion, the night sky is getting decked out in its favorite jewels: the…
Next month, the planet Mars will make one of its closest-ever approaches to the Earth, and this week, to get ready, the red planet rises at midnight in…