River stocking could save whitefish. Scientists in northern Michigan are still trying to figure out the best way to do it.
Lake trout are on life support in Lake Michigan. Every year, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service spends tens of millions of dollars raising and stocking them. But what if there was another way: genetic engineering. Could it be used for conservation?
An $11.9 million NOAA grant puts the tribe and its partners one step closer to regaining ownership of the former Timber Shores site.
Tribal fisheries biologists are leading the way on a project that will submerge cameras to get a better idea of how fish populations are interacting and changing.
The Platte River State Hatchery in Beulah just wrapped up its first week generating solar power. It's the latest in a series of solar array installations at hatcheries statewide.
States in the Great Lakes kill beavers and remove dams on select rivers and streams. They’re doing it, in part, for anglers and the multi-billion dollar fishing industry. But some people are not on board with that. Today’s episode is all about that conflict, and about how our scientific understanding of the role of beavers may be changing.
States in the Great Lakes kill beavers and remove dams on select rivers and streams. They’re doing it, in part, for anglers and the multi-billion dollar fishing industry. But some people are not on board with that. Today’s episode is all about that conflict, and about how our scientific understanding of the role of beavers may be changing.
The Michigan Court of Appeals overturned a circuit court ruling on Thursday which had stalled the project for over a year.
Last year, about 650,000 Chinooks were released from state hatcheries. Public comment at a hearing this week overwhelmingly supported increasing that number to 1 million.