The bivalent boosters are specialized to protect against more than just the original strain of the virus.
Lisa Peacock's last day will be April 29, 2022, per her 60 days' notice requirement. She said she is willing to negotiate an earlier departure with the local health board.
After experiencing tinnitus following her first COVID vaccine dose, musician Beata Moon decided against a second dose. Now she's facing the consequences of not being fully vaccinated in New York City.
Governor Gretchen Whitmer said Wednesday that her administration is NOT considering new statewide COVID restrictions.
The latest data from the state health department show that COVID-19 is spreading fastest in Michigan’s youngest age group: people under 10 years old.
Businesses could NOT require employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19 and they could NOT require unvaccinated people to wear protective masks under a bill before the Legislature.
Governor Gretchen Whitmer announced the first four 50-thousand-dollar prize winners Wednesday of lottery drawings for people who’ve been vaccinated against COVID-19.
One-third of vaccine-hesitant people in northern Michigan who completed the health department’s survey say they may get the vaccine if it’s required by their workplace, if it’s convenient for them, or if more research is done.
The state, local governments and schools could not require people to show proof they’ve been vaccinated under a bill approved Wednesday by the state House.