A new community wellbeing project is coming to northern lower Michigan. ‘Stories That Heal’ aims to help people heal from trauma through music and storytelling. It’s the brainchild of composer Molly Sturges.
The new northern Michigan community wellness project, ‘Stories That Heal,’ is supporting healing by creating collaborative music.
The Benzie-Leelanau District Health Department and Health Department of Northwest Michigan are both lifting mask mandates for K-12 schools.
The Michigan Court of Appeals has ruled state universities don’t owe students refunds for classes taught remotely during the COVID-19 crisis.
Michigan House Democrats are calling for the release of more than 350-million-dollars in federal COVID relief aid.
The latest data from the state health department show that COVID-19 is spreading fastest in Michigan’s youngest age group: people under 10 years old.
Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed the final two bills of the new state budget Wednesday.
The doctor who led Michigan’s COVID-19 pandemic response, Dr. Joneigh Khaldun, is leaving state government.
Kalkaska Public Schools has decided to go to universal masking in an attempt to keep up student attendance.
The head of Michigan’s unemployment agency faced tough questioning from a Republican-led legislative committee regarding delayed claim payments.