Now comes the season of Venus’ greatest altitude, which means the opportunity is at hand for seeing the goddess of love and beauty in broad daylight, while the Sun lingers above the horizon to greet her.
The Moon comes to perigee, or closest to the Earth, in every cycle, but only once each year will it come to Full Phase while it's at perigee. The several Moon's leading up to the closest Full Moon are commonly referred to as "super Moons," like this month's Strawberry Moon June 14.
At solar eclipse we get to let off steam, so that was April 30. At lunar eclipse, we receive further forces of destiny. That happens May 16. And what happens in between, where we are this week?
The Lyrid Meteor Shower is active from April 15 to the 29th, and best viewing should be overnight Friday night, April 22nd, before the Moon rises.
It’s easy to get distracted by what we can see in the sky this week, given that all the naked eye planets in our system and the Moon will be visible, but of course, it’s what we can’t see that’s got my attention.
The West wind brings the light of the spring; Eos, mother of the West wind, brings the dawn; and this week’s Full Moon brings the season’s first…
There’s so much poetic harmony between meteor showers and the spring, falling through the sky just when the blossoms are rushing toward the sun and the…
The cow jumps over the Moon this week when the waxing crescent sweeps up through the stars of Taurus the bull, looking west an hour after sunset on…