"An American in Paris" has evolved a lot over almost 100 years!
It started out as an orchestral piece by George Gershwin that premiered in 1928.
Then, in 1951, it became a movie!
Gene Kelly, an ultra-famous actor, dancer, singer and choreographer starred in the film, whose storyline was inspired by the original orchestral work.
In 2015, a musical adaptation of the movie opened on Broadway!
What's the story about? Tune in to find out! Listen Monday through Friday at 7:40 a.m. and 3:20 p.m. on Classical IPR or any time at the links below!
Learn more about this weekend's Interlochen Arts Academy performance of "An American in Paris."
Here's the version of the "An American in Paris" ballet from the Broadway show!
Emily Duncan Wilson is Kids Commute's producer.