Last week, dozens of you completed our survey, providing Christy with lots of great advice to help her and her family adjust to life in northern Michigan.
Your tips were so great, in fact, that we decided to share some of them here to help other recent transplants to the region.
Thanks to everyone who responded.
Want to weigh in on the next survey? Make sure to sign up for our weekly email newsletter, delivered on Tuesday mornings!
Seasons and weather
Don't avoid the cold! Try to go outside for at least a half hour every day. You will feel warmer in general, and the fresh air and light (even if it's overcast) will help you keep the winter blues at bay. This gorgeous region is great for all manner of winter sports that make it fun to be out, including simple winter walking/hiking.
Dress for winter! People who often tell me that they hate winter cold don't dress warmly enough to be able to enjoy being outside in the beauty of a snowy world. No one likes to be cold!
Cover your ears. The key to being comfortable outdoors in the gorgeous winter is to wear layers and keep your ears covered to hold the warmth. Enjoy the north woods!
The 4 seasons are magical. Get outside and enjoy them.

Places to go
Get an annual pass for Sleeping Bear Lakeshore, explore all the trails and be on the lookout for local HS track teams as you ascend to Pyramid Point.
Go to indoor Farmers market in the Commons during winter months & make reservations for brunch at Red Spire
Visit a new small town food venue every few months. To name a few, Cedar (Polish Festival), Brethren (perch at Trax), Suttons Bay (Leelanau Cheese Fest), Long Lake (Moomers Ice Cream). Great scenery along the way, off the beaten path, and a delicious reward at the end.
Visit the Botanic Garden at Historic Barns Park. It's beautiful throughout all four seasons of the year.
The conservancies in Grand Traverse and Leelanau Counties as well as the Federal Park Service has many trails designed for your enjoyment. Looking out at Lake Michigan from high atop a sand dune in the Sleeping Bear Dunes alone will support your decision to have chosen to move and live here.
Go to Good Harbor Beach! Serenity, beauty, meditation, walking, photography, wildlife, Petoskey stone, campfires, s'mores, etc. Any day...any season, it's THE BEST.

What to buy
A battery powered 2 stage snowblower was a life saver for us. Also for hikers with dogs snowshoes are a must. Dog follows you so no problem there.
Invest in wool socks for the entire family. Hang them to dry, and you will not regret it.
Buy some Yaktrax for safe walking!
Put winter tires on your car with their own set of rims.
LL Bean catalog. Those clothes will keep you warm.
A 4 wheel or all wheel drive, Good boots and lots of bug spray (I used to live in the Yoop)

Things to do
Get outside and walk around our great trails and hikes anytime of the year.
Cross over the Mackinac Bridge and visit the UP as we call it in Michigan
There are many interesting events in Northern Michigan—sometimes so many that a person has to choose between several. Can’t choose? You’re only steps away from trees, trails, and water, which are all good places to restore your soul.
Take up an outdoor winter sport so you look forward to the cold and snow.
You will be impressed as to how culturally spoiled you will be living in this small community.