Maestro Kevin Rhodes has been mastering music and helming the Traverse Symphony Orchestra for an astonishing 20 years now. There aren’t many galaxies he doesn’t routinely visit creatively as a conductor, performer, and director of opera and ballet.
Writer Joe Beyer caught up with him from Europe to get some teasers for two remaining July concerts that are free and open to the public in downtown Traverse City’s new Rotary Square.
This summer, the maestro is trading his baton for a light-saber, of sorts. He and the other 60+ professionals that make us TSO are presenting a patriotic romp in celebration of Independence Day on July 3, and then a finale celebrating the cinematic music and genius of John Williams, perhaps most famous for his enduring theme to Star Wars, on July 31.
These experiences are open to anyone, or anyone unexpectedly within earshot. It’s all a continuing part of TSO’s musical experimentation in pushing the work to places where a crowd can enjoy the thrill of classical, jazz and popular music together.
For those seeking it out, bring your own usual Michigan summer festival kit (chairs, food, blankets) - limited reserved seating is selling out quickly, details available anytime from Traverse Symphony Orchestra.